I have the honor to guide and lead a dedicated and passionate group of scientists, consisting of PhD students, research technicians, master’s students, and bachelor’s interns. We are housed in the Academic Medical Center (AMC) hospital, affiliated with the University of Amsterdam, in The Netherlands. We work on (1) the basic biology of aging (what is aging?), (2) identifying factors associated with longevity (for a healthy lifespan), (3) developing algorithms and models to track biological aging (to check your age), and (4) work on identifying and developing longevity medicines (biomedical science). If that sounds interesting to you, and you are passionate about aging and would like to be a part of our team and work, we periodically have openings.
Feel free to contact me: G.E.Janssens [at] AmsterdamUMC [.nl]

It’s difficult to get a group photo of everyone at once since Corona times, but here are some of us at the Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) conference 2022 in Copenhagen. Left to right: Weisha (PhD student I co-supervise), Arwen (a junior group leader I work closely with), Rebecca (PhD student, graduated October 2022), Iman (PhD student I co-supervise), and Georges (me). Other current team members include Angelique (research technician / senior scientist), Anne (bioinformatics technician), Sanne (PhD student), Eileen (PhD student) and various Masters/Bachelors student interns. Our team works closely with and overlaps in part with the Translational Metabolism unit of Prof. Dr. Houtkooper also at the AMC.